Monday, August 7, 2017

Basketball Workouts for Guards

Basketball Workouts for Guards

Basketball Workouts for Guards

A well-designed point guard weight training program is crucial for basketball success. Basketball players in general, and point guards in particular, often neglect strength training workouts for many reasons, such as time constraints, fear of getting too bulky, or lack of belief in the program's benefits. 

Any risks of weight training are far exceeded by the benefits of a good program. These long-term benefits include improved athleticism and better play on the basketball court.

Weight Training Benefits

​While many point guards will be initially reluctant to strength and weight training workouts, the benefits will quickly become apparent. They include

Improved Health - Basketball is a physically demanding game. Weight training can help strengthen your body and allow it to hold up better. Strength training will not just grow your muscles, but also tendons and ligaments that can lead to basketball-related injuries. This can help prevent injuries. 
Increased Muscle Mass - While point guards don't want or need to be the biggest players on the court, a basic amount of bulk will help with the more physical aspects of the game and allow you to hold up better. 

Increased Speed - Point guards are often the fastest athletes on a basketball court, and they need to be. Speed can kill and help in all aspects of your game. 

Increased Vertical Jump - While jumping high is down on the list of necessary skills for a point guard, there is no denying that improving your vertical jump will have a positive impact on many aspects of your game. 

Program Needs for Point Guards

The most important aspect of any program is that it is designed to the individual's needs. It is important to address and weak body parts or chronically injured areas. Having said that, there are a few basic things that all point guards can almost always improve on:  

Speed - You don't need me to tell you how important speed is and how improving it can have a massive impact on all aspects of your game. 

Power - This will help to give the athlete quick bursts of acceleration, which are crucial for defense and offense. 

Strength - You don't have to be the strongest athlete on the court, but you can't be pushed around easily when things get physical. 

Problem Areas - This includes any other weak spots the athlete might have. Additionally, this can include injury prevention exercise. The ankles are a very important area to strengthen. 

Point Guard Workout Program
​Time of Year - Offseason/Preseason
Focus - Strength/Power
Difficulty Level - Intermediate
Length - 4 weeks
Days/Week - 3

​This is a program designed as an offseason or preseason point guard weight training workout. It consists of three total-body workouts per week for four weeks. Days 1 and 3 are primarily focused on speed and power development. Day 2 is more of a mid-week recovery day and focuses more on gaining muscle mass with lighter weight and higher reps. 

Day 1
Sets 3
Reps 5

Power Snatch
Sets 3
Reps 8

Bench Press
Sets 3
Reps 8

One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Sets 4
Reps 4

Depth Jumps
Sets 3
Reps 8
Front Squat
Sets 3
Reps 10

Plate Twists
Sets 3
Reps 10

Day 2

Sets 3
Reps 3

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Sets 3
Reps 10

Leg Press
Sets 3
Reps 10

Hamstring Curls
Sets 3
Reps 10

Leg Raises
Sets 3
Reps 10

Back Extensions
Sets 3
Reps 10

Day 3

Power Cleans
Sets 3
Reps 5

Incline Bench Press
Sets 3
Reps 8

Bent Over Rows
Sets 3
Reps 8

Box Jumps
Sets 4
Reps 4

Back Squat
Sets 3
Reps 8

Side Bends

Sets 3
Reps 10

There are plenty of great ball handling drills out there. Find some good ones, put them on a chart and stick to it every day. Performing these workouts for basketball guards every day will take your game to another level. To get more information, click point guard.

Basketball Dribbling Drills: 3 Essential Dribbling Drills That You Must Be doing!


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