Sunday, July 30, 2017

Basketball Training: How to Jump Higher to Dunk

How to Jump Higher to Dunk

How to Jump Higher to Dunk

Dunking a basketball is one of the most challenging physical activities you can do. Regulation basketball goals are 10 feet high and you must jump well over 10 feet in order to slam home a dunk. Players wishing to dunk a basketball must improve their jumping or leaping ability. Improving jumping can come from a variety of strengthening and fitness exercises for your legs and lower body.

Step 1

Lift weights for your legs to gain strength and explosiveness in your lower body. Lifting weights increases strength and range of motion in the muscles. The idea is that you will increase your power and explosiveness without sacrificing flexibility. Lower body lifts include squats, deadlifts, leg presses, lunges, leg extensions and leg curls.

Step 2

Stretch your legs to increase flexibility, since a lack of flexibility can lead to injuries and not reaching your athletic potential. Stretching loosens your muscles and allows them to perform better through a greater range of motion. That means they are stronger and able to function better. Combining standard static stretching with dynamic stretches. Incorporate dynamic stretches -- stretches that gently move your joints through their range of motion -- into your warm up, and focus on static stretches -- or held stretches -- after the main portion of your workout.

Step 3

Add plyometric jumping exercises to your training regimen. Plyometrics refer to explosive jump training and movements like depth jumps, box jumps and bounding. Depth or squat jumps are one of the best ways to increase your vertical leap. They are performed by squatting as deep as you can until your butt nearly touches the floor. Then you simply explode up and leap as high as you can before landing and immediately going into another depth jump. These explosive jumping drills train the body by forcing the legs into jumping positions to make them stronger.

Step 4

Isolate the calf muscles by performing toe raises and using jump training shoes. Toe raises involve standing with only your toes on a step or platform and rising up as high as you can on your toes and holding the peak position before returning to the starting point. Toe raises are one of the few ways you can isolate your calves in training. Jump training shoes also enable you to isolate your calf and can be worn for training or sport-specific activities. These shoes have a platform on the front sole so that you are forced to be on your toes and no weight is on your heels. That means your calves are forced to support your entire body weight and are isolated throughout every movement.

Step 5

Add weighted resistance to your calf and plyometric training as you gain strength and power. Eventually your legs will become stronger and non-weighted activities can become easy for you. To continue to improve and jump higher adding ankle weights and or holding weights while training can increase strength and power even more.

You can find more How to Jump Higher to Dunk tips and drills on how to improve your basketball skills by visiting

Basketball Dribbling Drills: 3 Essential Dribbling Drills That You Must Be doing!

Basketball Moves

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Basketball Training Videos: Michael Jordan's Basketball Lesson

Basketball Training Videos: Michael Jordan's Basketball Lesson

In this course, NBA player Michael Jordan gives 16 video lessons of Basketball for Beginners. Some of the topics covered in this small course include Offense and Defense Tips, Jumping High, Fade-away, Free Throw, Off-Ball Defense, Team Defense, Defensive Stance, Crossover, Proper Movement, Using the Screen, Passes to the Post, Protecting the Ball, Offensive Tactics and many more.

Click Here To View More Basketball Training Videos

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Basketball Shooting Drills: How James Harden Become An Outstanding Doing These Shooting Drills

19 Basketball Shooting Drills: How James Harden Become An Outstanding Doing These Shooting Drills

Basketball shooting drills have one key purpose- turn your basketball players into scoring machines. But let’s agree, shooting drills are the most popular drills in every training session because every player wants to shoot. So why aren’t all the teams filled with a bunch of sharp shooters if they spend most of their time practicing this one basketball skill?
Even the best shooting drills will not help players improve if they cannot do it how it should be done. In fact they’ll just make worse shots. That’s why most basketball players will tell you how they shoot every night but they hardly see any improvement. You need to do it constantly and in the right way to improve.
Learn how to shoot with decent basketball shooting form and shoot quickly even under pressure with these 19 basketball shooting drills.

Basketball Ball Handling Drills So You Can Play Like Kyrie Irving

Basketball Ball Handling Drills So You Can Play Like Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving is a master ball handler and today we're going to give you a few simple yet effective ball handling drills to help get a ankle breaking handle like Kyrie Irving. So make sure you get your reps in on these dribbling drills to take your handle to the next level! 

Ever wonder how NBA players like Kyrie Irving can break their defenders ankles so easily? These drills will help you develop your ball control just like the pros. 

Click Here to View More Ball Handling Drills 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Best Vertical Jump: How to dunk like Blake Griffin

Specific to high jump, vertical leap isn’t entirely relevant because the event is less about boosties and more about body control. Jumping high is only useful for the ability to scissor over a bar, but that technique doesn’t win in championship meets. All of the elites use the Fosbury flop, and while leaping ability gets one high off the ground, it also takes exceptional body control to drive oneself off the ground while jumping parallel to the par, twist in mid air, drive up one’s hips, and then pull one’s
entire body over to clear the bar.
The main metric for estimating leaping ability for a high jumper is called height differential. In short, it’s the difference between one’s height and the highest height that one has cleared. So if a male who stands 6 ft. tall clears a bar at 6 ft. in the high jump, his height differential is 0 inches. By contrast, if an athlete who is 6 ft. tall clears a bar at 7 ft., then his height differential is 12 inches.
This metric is ideal for high jump because it bears in mind that hops are relative. It’s pretty marvelous to see some of the great Russian jumpers like Andrey Silnov and Yaroslav Rybakov jump 7’ 9.5” (2.38 m), but it’s important to bear in mind that they’re both 6’6” in height. By contrast, Linus Thörnblad of Sweden jumps the same height, yet he’s only 5’10”.

Click Here to learn more About Vertical Jump

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Monday, July 24, 2017

Strength Shoes for Basketball: Jump Higher and Run Faster

Strength Shoes for Basketball

When you think of basketball training shoes, you probably think of something that looks like a high-top running shoe, right? They’re made to allow you to run, while supporting your ankles and cushioning your landing when you run and jump during a game. You might be surprised to find that a lot of basketball players wear some very different-looking shoes when they’re training.

To train for basketball, a lot of players wear Strength Shoes, which are designed specifically to engage and strengthen the calves. NBA players are generally really tall, and they may be natural athletes, but they weren’t born with the ability to jump the way they do. They have to train their bodies to work for them.

Young athletes can follow the same training regimen to get noticed by their AAU, high school and college coaches. Even a player who is only 5’6” or 5’7” can train and gain enough strength and agility to dunk a basketball. We know, because amateur athletes have been training with our shoes for more than 30 years.

A Different Kind of Basketball Training Shoe

How do basketball training shoes work to make this possible?

Well, first of all, they’re shaped totally differently than other types of workout shoes. They’re lightweight and supportive, and they put all of your weight on your toes and the balls of your feet, forcing your calves to engage and support you. Standing on your heels is never going help you gain strength in your calves.

In fact, when you stand normally, in flat shoes, you rest 70% of your body’s weight on your heels. That means that your calves are really only doing enough work to support 30% of your body. That’s why doing calf raises burns so much. Your calves really don’t do a lot of work when you’re standing and walking around.

Click Here to View Strength Training Shoe for Basketball

To jump higher, though, you really need stronger calf muscles, as well as stronger quads. Squats strengthen your quads, your glutes, and your core. However, when you do a squat properly, your weight is all on your heels, which means that your calves don’t engage as much as they could. The same is true of any exercise in which you’re standing flat-footed, unless you’re wearing Strength Shoes.

How a Shoe Improves Your Jump and Makes You Faster

Strength Shoes have a broad front sole with a lot of shock absorption, but they don’t have any sole on the heel. The elevated front of the shoe keeps your heels off the ground, so that your calves support 100% of your weight whenever you’re wearing these shoes.

When you do plyometrics, like squats and lunges, while wearing Strength Shoes, you’re not just engaging your quads and glutes. You’re also engaging your calves for a more effective workout. These shoes have given thousands of basketball players a literal leg up on their competition. They can increase your vertical jump by 5-10 inches, and they’ve been known to shave 2/10ths of a second off of athletes’ 40-yard dashes.

Much like wearing a weighted vest or squatting with weights for resistance, these shoes make every movement in your workout a little bit more difficult. When you train in Strength Shoes, on game day, you’ll put your regular basketball shoes on, and you’ll feel like you’re flying down the court.

Basketball players use exercises like power skips and high-knee quicksteps all the time when they work on speed and agility. When you do these exercises in the right basketball training shoes, like Strength Shoes, you’ll feel a much larger impact on your muscles, which will translate into faster running times, higher jumps, and more points on the scoreboard.

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Basketball Training: 30 Minute Individual Basketball Training

 Basketball Training: 30 Minute Individual Basketball Training

The Kevin Durant shooting workout is a great workout because it incorporates shooting, ball handling, footwork, and finishing drills that you will use in game-like situations. These are the type of drills that the pros use to get better.
In this article, you will learn a super-efficient way to get open that Kevin Durant does all of the time. Below, you will also see a video that Kevin demonstrates the move and a second video of the Kevin Durant shooting workout that we've been taking some of our players through.
The Kevin Durant Post Cut
Kevin Durant frequently uses this super-efficient and easy way to get open, but for some reason, very few people use this cut. It also takes a lot less energy.
It's called the post cut. You take the defender down to the mid-post or high post area, post up on the defender, as soon as you feel like you have the defender on your back, you put your hand up and cut out to the perimeter to create space. Sometimes, you don't even have to cut. You can just step out and use a reverse pivot to create space.
Below, we have a sample video of the move used by Kevin Durant. You only have to watch 0:52 to 1:02 in the video.

Here is a website what I would suggest where you can find plenty of information about basket ball training programs. Choose the best one you like. Good luck.

Basketball Dribbling Drills: 3 Essential Dribbling Drills That You Must Be doing!

Basketball Dribbling Drills: 3 Essential Dribbling Drills That You Must Be doing!

Basketball dribbling drills are a great way to cut back on the amount of turnovers you are committing during games. I have seen teams cut back on turnovers dramatically by implementing a few simple basketball dribbling drills into their practice sessions every day. Here are a few simple, yet highly effective basketball dribbling drills that will help dribbling skills improve almost instantly;

-The Figure Eight Drill

This drill is performed by the player taking a ball and dribbling it in a figure eight motion through his or her legs. The key with this drill is control, not speed. After your control is mastered you can then work the speed up a bit.

-Up an Downs

Begin by dribbling a ball in front of you so that the ball bounces to waist high. Gradually bounce the ball harder and harder until you are dribbling the ball as high as possible without leaving your feet. Then slowly dribble the ball lower and lower until you are on one knee, finishing as close to the floor as possible. Dribble the ball quickly to keep it going. Then switch it to the other hand.

-Crossover Dribbles

This basketball dribbling drills begins by Dribbling with your right hand. Bounce the ball once on the right side, then cross the ball over in front of you by bouncing it to the left. The left hand then bounces it on the left once, and then crossover back to the right, where the right takes over again. Continue this drill for 1 minute.

These simple basketball dribbling drills can improve your players overall dribbling skills dramatically. If you work them hard, and with consistency your players will see the benefits almost instantly. Also, having your forwards and centers practice these basketball dribbling drills will greatly improve their dribbling and ball handling skill in the paint.

Doing these Basketball Dribbling Drills consistently will reap large rewards for your team. Imagine being able to cut down turnovers by 30% just implementing these simple techniques! There are many more drills that I recommend you check out, including some great insider tips and tricks from one of the most successful Division I coaches in the game today. Visit dribbling drills today to learn more.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Basketball Vertical Jump Program

Basketball Vertical Jump Program

How can a vertical jump program help you increase your vertical leap abilities in Basketball or Volleyball or any sport that being able to jump higher would benefit you?

Having the necessary skills is the most important thing for any person to have if they are playing sports and if they wish to improve their game as a player. For instance, a great basketball player must have the conditioning and stamina to run at almost full speed for several minutes at a time during their game, and also have the ability of a great vertical leap to dunk a basketball.

Basketball Dribbling Drills: 3 Essential Dribbling Drills That You Must Be doing!

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